Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Seasons Greetings!
Blessings all!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Beautiful Celebration of Friendship...
Monday, December 7, 2009
London Visit
Visiting family and friends, taking a few meetings about future projects and enjoying the bright/damp/cool/clear London weather!
I also had a lot of fun with the UK Transformers "Bendy Bus Prime" ROTF Face Book fan competition! Thanks for all the questions!
It was also my honor to attend the SKRUM, Swaziland rugby charity event for my dear old mate; Mick Collinson! Josh Lewsey showed up and gave generous support for this very important cause, as did everyone who attended. Well done Mick for keeping the spotlight on the desperate plight of these kids. You'll hear more of SKRUM and it's vital mission in the future.
I'm off to Oxford next to work with John Matthews on Wildwood Tarot and then onto Yorkshire for more writing and a bit of a break.
Have a wonderful week folks!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Come See Me in Dallas on Wednesday, 11/4
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Keith’s Books and Comics
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Madness Games and Comics
I''m doing an interview with Nancy Churnin from the Dallas Morning News today about the tradition of Panto and Theater Britain's production of "Puss In Boots". Then it's onto the Collin Theatre Center to talk to the drama students about Transformers and the glories of showbiz!
Tomorrow it's an appearance at Keith's Books & Comics, then onto Southern Methodist University to talk to the theater students there about Transformers and Voice Acting. Then onto Madness Games and Comics for more signings! YeeeeHaaaaaaaaah!
Come up along and hello!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Voice Talent Panel: Revenge of the Fallen, DVD Launch
Check out a bit of the panel:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, DVD Release!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
More Wuthering Heights music is in the works, as Robb, Katie and I went back into the studio to record the new track: “Look At Me.”
The song is a musical dramatization of Isabella's plea to Heathcliff to look at her both as a woman and his wife and confronts him with her tragic conclusion that if Catherine Earnshaw were dead, she might begin to have a life with the demented and revenge obsessed Heathcliff. Isabella naively believes she can heal and rehabilitate Heathcliff with her love and devotion. Katie Boeck powerfully and movingly performs this new piece. We'll be working on moreWuthering Heights songs throughout the rest of the autumn.
The “Behold The Glory Of Jetfire!” watch contest we ran while I was in Hong Kong got a massive online response from Transformers fans. I was knocked out by the skill and humor of the entries! Congrats to Dane Pavitt for his hilarious “British” Jetfire video and Michael Wright for his marvelous claymation effort. Special mentions also go to Fariz for his very funny “mockumentary” style news tribute and Tino for his drawing but all the finalists were brilliant and I'm glad I did not have to pick the final two winners! The Transformers fans got that honor!
After all the vitriolic hullabaloo from the critics regarding Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, it was nice to see the US domestic box office top $400 million, making the worldwide gross over $830 million. This pushed the movie into the “Top Ten” of most successful films of all time. I guess the summer film audiences have spoken! The Blu-Ray DVD will be released on October 20th.
So! After a highly enjoyable and productive trip to the international toy events in Japan and Hong Kong, it was straight back to work in Los Angeles, first with John Matthews on The Wildwood Tarot and then onto finishing up some new material for The Pilgrim. There's been further discussions about the future development of Blood Type, which has now caught the attention of several production entities. Good luck John and Wil!
As folks may know, The Greenwood Tarot has been out of print for some years and when I got the offer to rework the system with my old pal John Matthews with artwork by Will Worthington, I absolutely jumped at the chance!
It's been really enjoyable working with John and Will and the whole Eddison-Sadd team involved with the revised version.
The Wildwood Tarot will now be published by Eddison-Sadd in 2011.
We may have an exciting announcement regarding a live performance of some of the Wuthering Heights material in an exciting location, to be announced in the near future.
Take care folks!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Welcome Home Discovery!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Live From Hollywood: Part II
Monday, August 31, 2009
Live From Hollywood: Part I
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
On the death of Ted Kennedy.
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could;
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost. 1875
Monday, August 17, 2009
After Nearly 100 Entries, Five Finalists & Thousands of Votes, 2 Clever Video Entries Come out on Top!
Winning Entry by Dane Pavitt. Way to go Dane - this made me and many people laugh. Cheers to being British!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Jetfire Contest
Friday, August 14, 2009
"Jetfire" Voting Ends Friday at Midnight
Friday, August 7, 2009
Behold The Glory Of The Finalists
And, this one receives Honorable Mention - great work!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Update From Hong Kong
This is my first time in Hong Kong and I am here to represent "Transformers" at the Hong Kong's Toys Open Day & Super Festival. It is taking place Aug. 8th -9th at the Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre. If you are a "Transformers" fan in Hong Kong - I look forward to meeting you!
On the "Behold the Glory of Jetfire" contest - let me first say thank you to everyone who entered and helped spread the word. I thought all of your entries were top-notch and I am having a difficult time only choosing 5 finalists. I will post the 5 finalists, right here on the blog, by Monday Aug. 10th. Then it's up to you to vote for your favorite entries until Aug. 15th. The top two fan favorites will win the SeaHope watches!
Talk to all of you soon. -Mark

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hong Kong here we come!
Wow! Great event in Yokohama yesterday...Back in Tokyo today and relaxing in the hot tub! Friday, onto Hong Kong!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Yet Another Contest Update!
Friday, July 24, 2009
My World Tour
I was pleasantly surprised at the number of Robin Of Sherwood fans who attended and it was great to see the show find a whole new audience with the younger crowd finding the show for the first time!
Of course, Jetfire was a huge favorite with the British Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen fans because of the character's eloquent use of a colorful British expression! It seems Jetfire has added at least one new word to the Transformers lexicon! However Bumblebee remains everyone's favorite yellow, alien-robot guardian and I'm extremely proud to be associated with the character.
Special thanks go to Jason Joiner and Paul Jones for your friendship and support and all the incredibly hardworking staff at the event.
We also launched the Blood Type trailer (which I directed) on Saturday and the stars: RJ Gibb and Edward Blagrove were literally swamped by autograph hunters and writers, John Matthews and Wil Kinghan also ended up signing away for dozens of enthusiastic vampire aficionados!
Blood Type is a new take on the Vampire myth, created by John and Wil with music by RJ and Robin Gibb with a brand new score by Mick Kiely. Featuring narration from Jason Connery and a talented cast of young actors the film follows the story of Sophie (Emily Berrington) whose unique blood carries a deadly secret that can kill or cure. Pursued by a savage assassin Galen (Edward Blagrove) aided by a young American doctor, Stephen Hampton (Emrys Matthews). Sophie flees through time and across worlds on a mission to save her world-and ours.
Stay tuned for further Blood Type production news as it happens.
On another Transformers note, the competition for the two Seahope watches has turned into an Internet phenomenon! Thousands of fans have watched the various YouTube promotions and fan supporters online and entered the competition with the hope of winning those two unique watches! We'll wade through them all, I promise and hopefully have by finalists by August 6th! Keep sending them in and we'll do our best to keep up!
Work on new issues of The Pilgrim has commenced and online Graphic Novel publisher: ComicMix will be running the new material through the fall. Mike Grell (Warlord, John Sable - Freelance, Green Arrow) is hard at work, drawing the series and Mike's new material really rocks!
We've also laid down the basic musical tracks for two more songs from Wuthering Heights and I'll keep you posted as to when they are ready to be released on the site…Probably sometime in the fall!
I'm also very happy to announce that The Wildwood Tarot has now been officially commissioned by publishers: Eddison-Sadd Editions and co-authored by John Matthews with artwork by award winning artist: Will Worthington. The Greenwood Tarot has been out of print for some years now, so it's timely and fitting that a revised and updated version be produced by this high-quality publishing house.
The Wildwood Tarot has actually come full circle in many ways, as I originally pitched the idea to Nick Eddison and Ian Jackson of Eddison-Sadd in the early nineties. At that time it was not a project we could go forward with together and Harper Collins picked it up and requested we change the name to The Greenwood Tarot. So in a way The Wildwood Tarot (It's original name) has completed it's journey around “The Wheel” and it has finally come home! Developing a new Tarot is a long and demanding process that cannot be rushed but we project The Wildwood Tarot will be available sometime in 2011.
Now! I am very excited to announce I can confirm I'll be traveling to Tokyo and Hong Kong to represent Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen characters at several events in Japan and China and I'll post the event details next week.
Thanks again for all the support and keep those Jetfire competition entries flowing!
Love to all,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Behold the Glory of the Watches! (contest update)

I've already received a bunch of incredible entries (some of which have been posted online on Youtube), but remember that the contest ends on AUGUST 1st, so get your entries in!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Behold the Glory of Jetfire: A Contest for Transformers Fans
Good luck! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Email your entries to by August 1, 2009 at midnight PDT.
Official Rules:
How To Enter
Put your creative caps on and create something that depicts the Glory of Jetfire! It may be a video, drawing, blog, picture, story, haiku - whatever!
Next, Send It To Me
There are (3) three ways to enter:
1) Share your creation online (youtube, myspace, facebook, your blog, twitter, etc.) and send the link to;
2) Send your entry as an attachment to;
3) Mail your entry to: Starfish PR, Attention: Jetfire Contest, 1715 Via El Prado #54, Redondo Beach, CA 90277-8719.
I will pick my (5) five favorite entries and post them to my blog ( and open up the voting process. Then it's up to you to decide by visiting my blog and voting for your favorites (dates will be announced after August 1, 2009). The top (2) two entries will be announced once tallies are counted and each will win a limited edition SeaHope Transformers watch.
About the Prizes
(1) one Autobot watch and (1) one Decepticon watch will be awarded to the top (2) two favorites as determined by your votes. Both watches are limited edition, collectors' items that will make the winners the envy of all Transformers fans. The watches were generously donated to me by SeaHope when I was last in Japan to promote Transformers. Winners will be notified via email within 3 weeks of the end of this contest, prizes will be shipped within 6 weeks of notification. This contest is limited to residents of U.S., Canada and the UK.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Greetings from the Philippines...sort of
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wuthering Heights Music Now On Amazon!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Post Production: Blood Type Trailer & Shawshank Redemption in Dublin
I'll be heading back to California today after a fantastic post-production and editing stint in Dublin based in the Screen Scene Production Facility. Hosted and supported by Jim Duggen and his staff the promo/trailer looks great and the brilliant editing skills of Paul Mullen (Once) help cut the material together with efficiency, patience and insight! Paul listened to my sometimes unusual, symbolic ideas during the edit and smiled with a curious, if bemused humor and we finally got a twelve minute trailer which also includes the track: Instant Love written by RJ and Robin Gibb.
The whole project is coming together very well although there'll be some more sound mixing and effects work to be completed but the whole "Vampire Universe" concept works really well and all the performers look great! The sword cane duel looks very good as well, though I say so myself, considering the limited rehearsal time the boys had to get it together.
RJ and Robin's beautiful new song: Instant Love set's off the atmosphere and really captures the essence of the emotional back-story involving all the characters. We all ended up humming and whistling the tune for most of the week! RJ seems to be a chip off the old block when it comes to writing catchy tunes...
Also, Mick Kiely's eerie soundtrack and incidental music also sets up the gothic and edgy atmosphere of a menacing and insane world turned up side down. Great stuff Mick!
More news on Blood Type as it develops.
On different note, I had a fantastic evening on Saturday watching the Lane Productions preview of The Shawshank Redemption at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin. My old King Arthur pal; Paul Burke is the Fight Coordinator and the multi international-award winning director; Peter Sheridan helms this marvelous piece.
As the production is still in preview I'll not say too much, other than the show is really a highly creative theatrical adaptation of the Stephen King novel and is wonderfully executed by a very talented cast. It's a fantastic evening out in the theater and special mention must go to Reg E. Clathey as Red and Kevin Anderson as Andy Dufresne, who really take the audience on a deeply moving and ironically humorous journey. It was also wonderful to see Keir Dullea (2001-A Space Odyssey) as Brooksie.
Of course, Paul Burke's well-staged and brutal action keeps the constant threat of prison violence bubbling just below the surface and the fights are tight, bloody and full of menace. Great work mate!
I'll be back in L.A. tomorrow and I'm looking forward to working on a new track for Wuthering Heights (Look At Me) with Robb Vallier later in the week.
More when I get over the dreaded jet lag...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Jim Duggen and everyone at Screen Scene Post Production Facilities in Dublin, especially Paul Mullen who did an amazing job editing the Blood Type promo. A first class editing environment and John and Wil are over the moon with the results! I'll blog more fully about this over the weekend.
Monday, May 4, 2009
More Wuthering Heights
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
No Rest for The Wicked
I am feeling rather fortunate to be working so much, to be actively involved with so many cool projects and surrounded by so much creative talent.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is coming out in June and it’s been, once again, another great experience. I’ve been enjoying myself thoroughly in the ADR studio this past week and I have so much respect for Michael Bay and the amazing team that’s putting this sequel together. There’s not a lot I can say right now, but if you thought the first one was a wild ride…you’d better buckle up! Michael Bay has outdone himself this time and even Steven Spielberg said: “Awesome!” ‘Nuff said!
Filming for the Blood Type teaser/trailer is completed and I have to say the terrific cast and crew made it possible to wrap with tons of amazing footage. Even London’s fickle weather behaved. I’ll be heading to Dublin in May to work on the editing and I’ll definitely post some sneak peeks here when I have more to share. The vampire “universe” John Matthews and Wil Kinghan of Mythwood Films have created, really set’s up a whole new psychological spin on the vampire mythos and I’m sure the project will pick up a strong gothic following. All you Vampire fans thirsting for more info, check back for news soon.
Many of you are asking me about The Pilgrim over at – sorry we were on hold there for a bit, but we expect to have another episode up in May. Mike Grell is a popular fellow and you just can’t rush genius, why would you want to? Speaking of Grelly, we’ll be back at Comic-Con in San Diego in July – hope to see you there.
Clamoring for more Wuthering Heights Music? I’m also heading back into the studio with Robb Vallier to record more tracks and working on a framework for a screenplay progresses. Remember I said there are 18 songs total? It will be a little bit before the next one is available but please let me know how you’re enjoying the first six. All six are on sale through iTunes and I am working on making them available on also. But seriously, how chilling is Ray Winstone’s narration? He and I are teaming up again for an independent film later this year and it’s one of the funniest scripts I’ve ever read…Really clever. More about that little flick later.
For all you awaiting news of The Wildwood Tarot, great news! Our publisher is presenting The Wildwood Tarot this week (as we speak) at the London Book Fair. The project is really coming together wonderfully and our illustrator, Will Worthington, continues to turn out amazingly beautiful art for the cards. I am confident that Greenwood Tarot devotees will love this new version.
As always, I am grateful you stopped by and I do love getting your emails and reading comments.
Now, it’s back to work…Lots to do….
Thursday, April 16, 2009
More from Blood Type - The Search
We started shooting the opening scenes with Hamilton (Emrys Matthews) and Sophie (Emily Berrington) in the alley and moved onto the fight scene with Galen (Ed Blagrove) and Hamilton in the stairwell.
It was pretty tight maneuvering around those spaces but Anthony Straeger's “Quid in Shrapnel” productions crew, Dennis Morgan (DOP) Chris Reading (Sound) and Sally Alcott (Makeup and blood-dripper extraordinaire), all performed like magic and with exceptional good humor and enthusiasm!
Special mention must go to Anthony; he offered sound shooting advice and kept the whole thing moving as 1st AD. Also to Dennis, for capturing the incredibly claustrophobic and creepy wartime atmosphere in the period underground alleys and stairwells with his amazing use of light, shadow and smoke. Thanks a million chaps!
Our second location was The Prebendal, Thame in Oxfordshire, an amazingly beautiful 12th Century estate and home of Robin and Dwina Gibb. Robin-John Gibb (Robin and Dwina's son) also plays the part of Belisar, lord of the vampire clans, and an amazing discovery as a new face on the screen! Without doubt a highly charismatic and poised young man, RJ took in my multi-layered direction and guidance with focus and professional skill and turned Belisar into a leading BLOOD TYPE protagonist with a mesmeric and chilling charm.
The grounds at the Prebendal are surreal and suited to represent an alternative universe where Earth is ruled by “royal” vampire clans, and humans are slaves, owned and controlled as a convenient and docile work and food source.
Sophie, played by the beautiful and talented Emily Berrington escapes this terrifying world and arrives in our reality during the London Blitz, running for her life and suffering from amnesia. A fugitive, carrying an unknown strain of blood, Sophie is helped by a young psychiatric doctor, played with compassion and intensity by Emrys Matthews, who discovers her unusual blood type and falls in love with her.
Galen, (Ed Blagrove) a ruthless vampire assassin sent to bring Sophie back at all costs, is dispatched by Sophie's master, Belisar (Robin-John Gibb), and the pursuit and clash of wills begins. This dramatic framework is unique, and a very colorful and darkly rich canvass on which to paint the conflicted brushstrokes symbolizing the drives and emotions churning within these characters.
This conflict results in the deadly sword-cane duel between Emrys and Ed, who threw themselves into the fight with gusto! Very well done chaps! It looked really exciting and dangerous indeed!
So! Thanks to John and Wil for their confidence, support and trust in me to handle their thrilling and complex material. Thanks also to the entire cast who brought it all to life!
And remember: “Lots to do. It's four o clock”...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
We'll be moving into the world famous occult landmark: The Atlantis Bookstore in Museum Street in London for shooting tomorrow. I have to say it's very exciting and rather unique to be shooting an esoteric vampire thriller in a location so bathed in occult history. Everyone from Alistair Crowley, Dennis Wheatley, Austen Spare and Winston Churchill visited this classic bookstore in search of enlightenment over its very long and sometimes colorful history.We'll be shooting most of the WW2 scenes on the premises during the day tomorrow with Sophie (Emily Berrington) Hamilton (Emrys Matthews) and Galen (Ed Blagrove) and we'll move to Thame to shoot the "vampire world" stone circle scenes with Belisar (Robin-John Gibb) and sword-cane duel on Sunday.
It's nice to actually commence the shooting and directing phase after choreographing and training the actors for the fight and choosing authentic 40's outfits from Vintage Years Costume Hire in Leicester and sword canes from the unique and mind-blowing collection of weapons at film and TV armorers: Bapty's in Southhall, London. The schedule is tight, the concept is complex and dark. Great! I'll let you know how the first day goes…Mark

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"Blood Type - The Search"

Starring Emily Berrington, Emrys Matthews, Edward Blagrove, Robin-John Gibb and narrated by Jason Connery I was very excited to be asked to direct the promo-trailer: BLOOD TYPE - THE SEARCH here on location in UK.
I'll also be choreographing a sword-cane duel between the two main protagonists who both search for "Sophie" (Emily Berrington) who's escape to our world triggers the struggle to control her destiny, as her blood contains a cure for the deadly epidemic now raging through the vampire world.
It's great to be working with John and Wil on BLOOD TYPE - THE SEARCH and many thanks go out to all who have supported the project including: Dwina Murphy-Gibb, The Atlantis Bookshop, Anthony Streger and of course Caitlin Matthews.
Shooting commences in London on April 11th at various locations in London, Oxford and Thame.
Love to all…
Thursday, March 26, 2009
IDW and ComicMix Join Forces
IDW and ComicMix Join Forces
Renowned comics publisher to distribute online comics in print form.
Well, we've been hinting at this for about six months now. Some of you traditionalists have been asking when and how and where and when you can buy printed versions of the ComicMix comics. I'm proud to announce that we have partnered up with our friends at IDW (where GrimJack and Jon Sable Freelance and Mars last appeared) to produce one graphic novel and two comic books each month, starting this fall. Plus hardcovers and omnibuses and such, as the market demands.
O.K., I'm one of those traditionalists as well, and while I love reading this stuff online (particularly on my iPhone), I'm looking forward to seeing them in print. And I'm looking forward to running my typical long-winded introductions in the trades and letter columns -- yet, genuine letter columns! -- in the comics.
So if you'd like to email us a letter for publication, just post 'em as comments to the comics. Oh, yeah, we're starting off with GrimJack: The Manx Cat and Jon Sable Freelance: Ashes of Eden in mini-series format. As if we should start somewhere else? IDW's press release, for the record:
SAN DIEGO, CA (March 25, 2009) – IDW Publishing, a leading publisher of comic books and graphic novels, has begun an innovative partnership with, a free website offering new and classic comics. Through this multi-year agreement, IDW will publish graphic novels, books and comics for properties, enabling both companies to expand their offerings to customers and retailers, and combine their audience reach.
“ComicMix has a great line up of original and classic brands that are currently only available online, and despite the shift to the virtual world, there is still something unmistakable about reading a real-life book” said Greg Goldstein, chief operating officer of IDW. “IDW is known for producing some of the highest quality books in our industry, and we are looking forward to offering this to fans of ComicMix properties.”
Beginning in the fall of 2009, IDW will release trade paperbacks of ComicMix comics, as well as monthly comics, including many new stories that have previously been only available online at Initial titles will include GrimJack: The Manx Cat by John Ostrander and Timothy Truman, Jon Sable Freelance: Ashes of Eden by Mike Grell, and Hammer of the Gods by Mark Wheatley and Mike Avon Oeming, among others.
“This is a bit of a homecoming for many of us at ComicMix, because we have had a professional relationship with IDW Publishing over the past several years,” ComicMix Editor-In-Chief Mike Gold noted. “We’re honored to be among such first-rate comics and graphic novels. Quite frankly, I don’t think the ComicMix properties could find a better publishing home than IDW.”
The partnership with ComicMix allows IDW to distribute comics via mobile devices, increasing the company's growing digital, downloadable publishing program, which already includes several major titles such as Star Trek: Countdown and Ghostbusters.
About IDW Publishing
IDW is an award-winning publisher of comic books, graphic novels and trade paperbacks, based in San Diego, California. As a leader in the horror, action, and sci-fi genres, IDW publishes some of the most successful and popular titles in the industry, including television's #1 prime time series, CBS' “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation;” Paramount's “Star Trek;” Fox's “Angel;” Hasbro's “The Transformers;” and the BBC's “Doctor Who.” IDW's original horror series, "30 Days of Night," was launched as a major motion picture in October 2007 by Sony Pictures and was the #1 film in its first week of release. In April 2008, IDW released "Michael Recycle," the first title from its new children's book imprint, Worthwhile Books. More information about the company can be found at
Organized in 2007, is the free website for brand-new comics, news, opinion and historical research. Organized by comics veteran Mike Gold (DC Comics, First Comics, Image Comics), Internet pioneer Brian Alvey (WebLogs Inc., Blogsmith, AOL, Netscape) and print and online publishing vet Glenn Hauman (Random House, Simon & Schuster, BiblioBytes, DC Comics), ComicMix has been leading the comics industry in the production and online distribution of new comic book stories by major talent.
Become a Fan of The Pilgrim on Facebook!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Legend of Mike Grell & the 45
Friday, March 13, 2009
Come See Me at CUT! Film Festival this Weekend

Ryan will join Cast Discussion on Show’s Loyal Following & Promote New Projects Including “The Pilgrim,” “Transformers,” & “Robbing Bingo”
Los Angeles, CA – March 13, 2009: Mark Ryan will join former “Robin of Sherwood” mate, Jason Connery, at CUT! Film Festival 2009 for a screening to celebrate the show’s 25th Anniversary and a discussion about the show’s loyal fan base. Ryan will also sit on a Comics panel with Mike Grell, with whom he partnered to create “The Pilgrim,” a graphic novel based on true accounts of paranormal espionage, currently available at CUT! Film Festival 2009 is a benefit and celebration of cinema dedicated to the art and imagination that goes into the creation of film. This year’s event takes place the weekend of March 14-15, 2009 at the historic Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, CA.
WHO: Mark Ryan (Robin of Sherwood, Transformers, The Prestige)
WHAT: CUT! Film Festival 2009 – 25th Anniversary Screening of “Robin of Sherwood”
WHERE: Aero Theatre
1328 Montana Ave, Santa Monica, CA
WHEN: March 14, 2009:
· 11:20 am – “Comics and the Impact On Film Today” - Mike Grell, Steve Niles, Mark Ryan, Daniel Vest
· 6:45 pm – Celebrating “Robin of Sherwood” 25th Anniversary with Mark Ryan, Jason Connery & other guests TBA – Screening of episode: Sheriff of Nottingham plus a charity auction.
WHY: “Robin of Sherwood” has enjoyed a loyal fan base that keeps the show alive via web groups, fan clubs and conventions both in America and the U.K. Mark Ryan has had a successful career since his days as a merry man, including voicing Bumblebee in the box office hit, “Transformers” and partnering with legendary illustrator, Mike Grell to create “The Pilgrim” graphic novel. Ryan recently launched a musical project nearly 20 years in the making, based on Emily Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights,” which he plans to bring to the big screen soon and is currently available on iTunes. He has also signed on with Mighty Finn Productions for 3 upcoming projects including “Robbing Bingo,” which will reunite Ryan with Sherwood cast mate, Ray Winstone (Beowulf.) Ryan will pull triple duty on the film as Associate Producer, Actor & Action Coordinator.
For more information and all media inquiries regarding Mark Ryan, The Pilgrim and Wuthering Heights
Music, please contact Angela Moore at 310-429-8868 or
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Live From New York…
It's true that I've been called back to work on TF2 but for now, it's pretty hush-hush, so no comment! But as you can see from the new trailer, it's going to be a very exciting movie with spectacular visual effects! But you can bet that as soon as I am able, I’ll blog about this experience.
My old mate Jason Connery and I will be together again at the CUT Film Festival this March 13 to 15 in Los Angeles talking about working on various independent film projects and of course, Robin Of Sherwood. I hope you can stop by if you're local. It's always entertaining when we get together and CUT is always a wonderful event. Should be fun!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wuthering Heights Music On Sale Now at iTunes
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wuthering Heights on iTunes, Transformers 2 and The Wildwood Tarot

- Apple iTunes (search Mark Ryan)
- Ruckus
- Rhapsody
- VerizonTradebit
- Napster
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Pilgrim #4 is Live
Mike Grell and I are pretty proud of the graphic novel and we look forward to reading more of your comments.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Special Note of Thanks