Monday, December 7, 2009

London Visit

I'm enjoying being back in Dear Old Blighty!

Visiting family and friends, taking a few meetings about future projects and enjoying the bright/damp/cool/clear London weather!

I also had a lot of fun with the UK Transformers "Bendy Bus Prime" ROTF Face Book fan competition! Thanks for all the questions!

It was also my honor to attend the SKRUM, Swaziland rugby charity event for my dear old mate; Mick Collinson! Josh Lewsey showed up and gave generous support for this very important cause, as did everyone who attended. Well done Mick for keeping the spotlight on the desperate plight of these kids. You'll hear more of SKRUM and it's vital mission in the future.

I'm off to Oxford next to work with John Matthews on Wildwood Tarot and then onto Yorkshire for more writing and a bit of a break.

Have a wonderful week folks!


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